
Bipartisan And Both Sides.

The issue of political bias in media and the influence of big money in politics is a complex and ongoing concern. The media, especially corporate media, is often accused of presenting a biased view of political events and issues, often in favor of the political and financial interests of their owners or advertisers. The term "bipartisan" is often used to describe this supposed impartiality, but it can also be seen as a way for the media to deflect criticism and avoid taking a clear stance on issues.

The influence of big money in politics is also a major concern. Political candidates often receive large campaign contributions from wealthy individuals and organizations, which can influence their decisions and policies once in office. This is often referred to as the "bribe system." The use of "dark money," or anonymous contributions, makes it difficult to track and regulate the flow of money in politics. The result is a political system that can be swayed by the interests of a small group of wealthy individuals, rather than the needs and desires of the general public.

In addition to the issue of political bias and the influence of big money, the rise of social media has further complicated the landscape of political information and discourse. With the ease of access to the internet and the rise of social media platforms, anyone with a keyboard can now spread information and opinions, whether they are true or not. This can result in the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories, which can further confuse and divide the public.

It is important for citizens to be informed and critical consumers of media and information, and to seek out multiple sources to get a well-rounded understanding of political issues and events. Additionally, it is important for citizens to advocate for transparency and accountability in the political process, to ensure that their interests and voices are being heard and represented.

The ending of the “Fairness Doctrine” in 1987 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) marked a shift towards a more partisan news model in the media industry, driven by the pursuit of profit. Prior to this change, the media's role was to present balanced information and let the public make their own informed decisions. However, with the rise of corporate media, the media has become more partisan, presenting a one-sided view of issues while claiming to be impartial. This has resulted in a tendency to try to understand both sides of an argument, even if one side is not credible.

The corporate media's power has resulted in a decline in trust among the public, as people are bombarded with misinformation that is often packaged to look credible. The rise of social media has only exacerbated this issue, as anyone with a keyboard can now present information, true or false, to a massive audience. This has resulted in an echo chamber of like-minded individuals, where misinformation can spread quickly and emotionally charged propaganda can dominate the conversation.

The American public has not been adequately equipped with the skills to distinguish between credible and false information, leading to an "à la carte" reality where people can choose to believe in whatever information they choose, regardless of its truthfulness. The pursuit of profits by corporate media, and those who can "buy them off," has resulted in the spread of lies and a loss of trust in the news.

It is important to recognize that there is only one truth, and trying to meet halfway between the truth and a lie is not possible. In a democracy, it is crucial to have a shared set of facts to ensure a functioning society. Without this shared understanding of the truth, democracy is threatened.

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Talking Points Information

The Problem Solvers Caucus doesn't solve problems. There is supposedly bipartisan group in the United States House of Representatives named the “Problem Solvers.” A group that claims they seek to foster bipartisan cooperation on key policy issues. The true is that they all take special interest money and the problem they solve is making sure they keep on receiving the “donations” (bribes).