
The Scare Of Socialism.

Socialism is a term that some people use to scare others into thinking that the government is going to take away everything they own. But this is not true. Those people who use this term want to get as much money for themselves as they can, while giving as little as possible to others.

In reality, socialism means that the majority of people have a say in how things are run. This is what our country was founded upon. However, many people today think that democracy cannot work because politicians are bribed. We need to change this.

The media often tells us that the "center" of the country is somewhere between what the left and right sides want. But this is not true either. The majority of people in this country actually want a more democratic socialist country.

People who want to keep things the way they use subliminal messaging to make us afraid of the word "socialism". They want us to think that everything will be taken away from us, or that we will get everything for free. But this is not the case. In fact, the Constitution starts with "We The People", which is an example of socialism in action.

The corporate media wants you to believe the country rejects Bernie Sanders, the Squad, Democratic Socialism, Black Lives Matter, and Critical Race Theory!

No! They do not! People may have been persuaded by the corporate media not to like certain people and the word socialism, but the vast majority of the country agrees with everything “Socialists” are trying to get passed in Congress:

•73% of all Americans believe everyone should have paid family leave (CBS poll)

•63% believe community college should be tuition-free (Pew poll)

•62% believe the minimum wage should be raised to at least $15 an hour (Pew poll)

•84% believe Medicare should cover hearing aids, glasses, and dental (CBS poll)

•67% believe children should have access to free pre-K (CBS poll)

•67% of voters say that federal voting rights legislation is necessary (Navigator poll)

•61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases (Pew poll)

•67% believe campaign spending should be limited (CBS poll)

Let's be clear: Americans want help with their kids, aging parents, and college debt. They also want pharmaceutical companies to stop charging $795 for a single pill. People are tired of politicians making promises they can't keep.

Republicans use the word "socialism" to scare people and distract them from the fascist policies they are promoting. Every single Republican in the US House and Senate is taking money from the healthcare industry and other lobbyists. Right-wing billionaires are also against socialism because they don't want to pay more taxes. They know that for every dollar they give to a politician, they'll receive back one hundred dollars in tax-free income. So, if you're a billionaire or a large corporation that doesn't pay taxes, you'd want to defend the status quo.

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Talking Points Information

Reasons why socialism could be a better path forward to solve society’s problems.