
About Voting.

The people who give bribes don't want everyone to vote, they only want the rich and powerful to vote. If everyone gets to vote, then they won't be able to stay in control. That's why they make it hard to vote. They bribe politicians to make sure they stay in power. They do this in many ways, like getting rid of voters who might not vote for them.

Our political system is corrupt. If you have money, you can start a group that gives politicians money. Politicians can also start their own groups to get bribes. These groups can give as much money as they want to help elect politicians. It's crazy because they often spend more money than the candidates themselves.

We need to stop these powerful people from ruining our government. The only way to do that is to vote. We need to make sure that elections are fair by not letting rich people pay for them. We also need to stop corrupt politicians from getting too much power.

These bribers are using many tricks to cheat in elections. They change the way voting districts are made so that politicians get to pick their voters instead of the other way around. They also get rid of people who might not vote for them by deleting their names from voter lists. They make it hard for people to vote by using tricky methods, like sending mail that looks like junk mail to delete people's registrations. They also use tricks to make sure that provisional ballots, which are supposed to let everyone vote, don't get counted.

This rape and pillage by the bribing oligarchs have to be defeated, and voting is the only way to fix it. Time for publicly funded elections with “NO Private funding” to stop the control of who can afford to run. Stop the corruption of our Government and our Judicial appointments. These self-serving crooks have to be jailed, not rewarded.

The bribers are paying to rig elections through several methods: Gerrymandering, cross-checking, voter nullification, voter purging, suppressing the vote, and making voting difficult.

Gerrymandering is when the Bribers draw the election district's lines so that the politicians pick the voters instead of the voters picking the politicians. It is a violation of the principle of equal representation, which demands that an equal number of voters be represented by an equal number of representatives.

Cross Checking is states sharing their voter lists and eliminating similar names based on ethnicity.

Voter Nullification is the voiding of voting results because of procedural violations.

Voter Purging is an often-flawed process of cleaning up voter rolls by deleting names from registration lists.

Voter Suppression is a strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting.

Voter Caging was illegal, the Supreme Court now has ruled that it is legal. It's challenging the registration status of voters (usually based on being a minority) by sending deceptive mail looking like “junk mail” that most people will throw away. Then the unreturned mail is seen as proof that the person no longer resides at the address on their voter registration. When the people show up to vote they are denied to vote and told they are not registered.

Provisional ballots are not being counted. In elections in the United States, the law requires that if someone insists they have a right to vote they be given a “provisional ballot” to record a vote. What most voters aren't aware of is that it is not required that a provisional ballot be counted. The voter thinks their vote was counted when in fact it wasn't counted.

Making Voting Difficult is a method to make it hard to vote in a specific area by eliminating voting locations, time for voting, using defective voting machines, making people wait in long lines, and the such.

The Democrats have been winning more votes but still losing elections. Some people say that's because they're not strong enough and don't understand working Americans. But the truth is that the Democratic party is the only hope we have against fascism. There are a group of extremists in the Republican party who are against women, LGBTQ+ people, birth control, and freedom. They even supported a violent attack on the Capitol building to try to overthrow the election.

Now the Republicans are trying to cheat in elections by putting their own people in charge of counting the votes. They're making it harder for people to vote and trying to change the election results. They're not even counting some votes when they know they lost. And they're planning to stop Democrats from taking office by refusing to sign election certificates. This is all part of a plan to destroy democracy.

The Senate doesn't represent Democracy because some states with fewer people have more senators than states with more people. For example, 21 states with 42 senators have the same population as California, which only has 2 senators. Right now, there are 50 Republican senators representing 43 million fewer people than the 50 Democratic senators. This is not fair. In the past, four Republican presidents have won with less of the popular vote. This is because of something called "The Electoral College," which means that only a few states matter in presidential elections. Many states are ignored, even if they have more people. Some states have more Democrats than Republicans, but Republicans are in control. This is not what a Democracy should be. We need fair elections where the majority of the votes count.

For all the Democratic party's flaws, it is the only party that can stand up to the continued rise of fascism. Democrats need to win in an overwhelming majority to protect our rights, and our freedoms, and just may save our country.

To check your voter registration go to Vote Now Or Never!

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