

The Bribe System has been working to eliminate public education for a while now. Their aim is to have two levels of education, one where the rich are highly educated and one where the rest are kept uneducated, which makes it easier for the Bribe System to control the public. However, the Founding generation believed in free education being available to as many people as possible. Even though modern public education did not receive state-level government support until the late 1800s, in the early days of our country, communities regularly pooled their money and resources to build and fund local schools and hire teachers.

Student debt is advantageous to the Bribe System, specifically the banks and college administration, as they are making a lot of money from it. In 1993, the Student Loan Reform Act established the Direct Lending program, which allows banks to lend money to students. The students have no control over how the loan is administered, and the banks can charge high-interest rates, refuse to negotiate payment plans, impose exorbitant penalties, and never allow the student to declare bankruptcy. This is a lucrative business for the banks. The level of student debt in America is unparalleled in the developed world. Colleges charge more for higher education today than they ever have, yet they earn billions of dollars from media contracts for NCAA sports franchises. Where is that money going? Not to improve education or lower its cost.

The Bribers are attempting to cut funding for public education and eliminate it altogether in favor of private schools. A few years back, they claimed that schools were too crowded, but now they're saying that there aren't enough students to support the expenses. As a result, charter schools have started replacing public schools. These charter schools are owned by private individuals and companies are making a profit from government funds. They're trying to apply business principles to public service, but this approach doesn't work. The main goal should be to prioritize the students, not the profits.

The Bribers use various methods to drain the public schools of resources. They control the textbooks, decide what to teach, and limit funding so that public schools cannot function properly. They also dislike teacher unions. Civics is no longer taught in schools because the Bribers want the public to be disengaged and unaware of how the wealthy abuse the system. They want people to be civically disengaged.

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